Can A Student Do Master’s Program in Canada with a 2.2 or 3rd Class


 Can a student do master’s program in canada with a 2.2 or 3rd Class? In one of the posts published earlier, we mentioned some of the scholarship opportunities available to students who graduated with a low grade. However, we took a step further to also bring you some of the schools in Canada that can accept applicants with a second class lower or third class result.

The school system is already complicated enough for students, and having to face the backlash from family and close relatives for having a bad result can be tiresome. For some, having come out with such a grade marks the end of their academic dreams. But then, there is still a good opportunity to pursue higher education like a master’s to improve your status and your position in the job market.

There are a lot of schools in Canada that accept students with second class and even a third class, and also provide scholarship opportunities for students. Aside from the grades and academic results, schools in Canada also look out for other qualities like leadership qualities, involvement in extracurricular activities, and other requirements.

Requirements for Master’s degree in Canada

  •         Applicants applying for master’s degree must have completed undergraduate studies
  •         Meet the basic language requirements and also provide language test proof
  •         You should also have some professional working experience, although this part is not compulsory for every master’s program.
  •         Applicants must meet the student visa requirements which would allow them to obtain a valid study permit.
  •         You are also expected to write and pass the entrance exam of the school. Although it is only required for certain subjects like the MBA

Can A Student Do Master’s Program in Canada with a 2.2 or 3rd Class

Memorial University of Newfoundland  2.75 for full acceptance, 2.0 for provisional acceptance

The University of Newfoundland is among the most famous schools in Canada, it is located in the heart of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The school accepts international and domestic students who have at least a GPA of 2.75 and above, but then, students with lower degrees may be accepted depending on some special conditions. The university has over 30,000 students of which 20,000 take their lectures on campus and 10,000 are enrolled online.

University of Victoria  2.5 – Lower GPA’s may be conditionally accepted

This university is famous amongst several students both international and domestic. Applicants for this scholarship are required to have a GPA of at least 2.5 and above to be considered for admission into the school. You can also be accepted into the school with a lower GPA, however, it will be conditioned based on other requirements. Applicants will also need to provide proof that they are fluent in the English language and will need to provide a language test as proof and also a transcript from the school.

Fairleigh Dickinson University 2.0


Fairleigh Dickinson University has become a very prominent school in recent times, the school offers a wide range of master’s programs to students which includes master’s programs in business, computer science, nursing, and other career-oriented areas. They also offer other professional programs as well as Doctoral programs. To get into the school, you need a GPA of at least 2.0 and above.

University of Manitoba 2.5

The University of Manitoba is among the most famous schools in Canada, it is located in the heart of the province of Manitoba which is bordered by Ontario and Saskatchewan. The school accepts international and domestic students who have at least a GPA of 2.5 and above, but then, students with lower degrees may be accepted depending on some special conditions. The university has over 30,000 students of which 20,000 take their lectures on campus and 10,000 are enrolled online.

Carleton University   2.5

Carleton University is one of the best institutions for higher learning in Canada. If you are going to study at Carleton University, then you need a GPA of at least 2.5 and above. The university is regarded as one of the best in Canada given that they set a high standard for academic learning in Canada. They are inclined to teach and provide a transformative educational experience that is targeted at producing quality graduates and future leaders.

Dalhousie University  2.7

Dalhousie University has become a very prominent school in recent time; the school offers a wide range of master’s programs to students which include master’s programs in business, computer science, nursing, and other career-oriented areas. They also offer other professional programs as well as Doctoral programs. To get into the school, you need a GPA of at least 2.7 and above.

Simon Fraser University   2.0

Simon Fraser University is famous amongst several students both international and domestic. Applicants for this scholarship are required to have a GPA of at least 2.0 and above to be considered for admission into the school. You can also be accepted into the school with a lower GPA; however, it will be conditioned based on other requirements. Applicants will also need to provide proof that they are fluent in the English language and will need to provide a language test as proof and also a transcript from the school.

University of Saskatchewan    None Listed

Currently, the University of Saskatchewan has risen to a standard where so many students are now applying in mass just to get a piece of the quality education they provide. The university offers several graduate programs and also several online programs. The school does not have a GPA requirement for admission for all its graduate programs; however, students are required to provide a transcript, resume, and an English test score to prove their proficiency.

Technical University of Nova Scotia      2.5

If you are going to study at the Technical University of Nova Scotia, then you need a GPA of at least 2.5 and above. The university is regarded as one of the best in Canada given that they set a high standard for academic learning in Canada. They are inclined to teach and provide a transformative educational experience that is targeted at producing quality graduates and future leaders.

So, this list here should give you a head-start and an idea of which schools you should apply to if you have a GPA. There are also lots of other schools you can find in Canada, you just have to visit the university’s official website to find out what their requirements are.

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